
Professional Moderator & Administrator
Discord & Minecraft Servers
3+ years experience
1,000s of players in total served

TheSchwas has years of experience in Discord/Minecraft moderation and administration experience, with servers ranging from 100 to 5000 players, brand new to 10 years old! With years more experience in the design and structuring of websites, discord servers, and Minecraft servers! Continue reading to see the experience and accomplishments of TheSchwas!

RepubliCraft - Support Administrator & Lead

As the Support Administrator, it was my sole responsibility to build the entire Support team, structure, and policies from scratch. I was the Support Administrator from January 2023 to June 2023, when a falling out with other Departments and a collapse of all policies, procedures, and respect led to the end of the server's staff structures, so I self resigned. Current status of the server as of May 30th, 2024: Offline

LemonSMP - Moderation Officer

LemonSMP was one of the best servers I had ever worked with, the owner and staff teams were kind and thoughtful, creating the best atmosphere for players and staff to work and play in. I was part of the Moderation Department, serving from January 2021 - December 2023, when the server was dissolved due to financial issues. Current state of the server as of May 30th 2024: Offline

FreedomCraft Network - Architect, Moderation Officer

This server is still in operations, and has a large player base, over 1,500 currently on their Discord server. I served as an Architect (Builder) for around a month after January 2023, before being transferred to the Moderation Team. I served this community from January 2023 to August 2023, resigning due to time issues from personal reasons. Current state of the server as of May 30th 2024: Online

RoGa Security Services - Chief Web Designer, Cyber Security Specialist, Security Specialist

Working in the San Francisco Bay Area as a Security Specialist working sites physically, while also working online as a Cyber Security Specialist to protect the online community through simple structuring and common sense. As the Chief Web Designer, I designed all websites used by RoGa Security Services. I have worked with the business since it's creation as RoGa Services in June 2021 as the Cyber Security Administrator and Web Designer.

SymbiPlex Network - Staff Manager

As the Staff Manager, I was responsible for the creation of the interviewing and onboarding polices, as well as the upkeep of all Staff Departments within the server. I served in this role from January 2024 to April 2024, resigning due to server complications, impossible deadlines, and no help from other staff members. Current state of the server as of May 30th 2024: Online

Creation of RoGa Security Services

TheSchwas is the Founder of RoGa Security Services, formerly RoGa Services. With multiple clients around the San Francisco Bay Area, as well as online clients, having TheSchwas on your team provides you with excellent industry leading knowledge and skills, without the financial expenses!


With years of experience in different roles, TheSchwas has created over half a dozen polices and procedures that many servers still use today for the running of their community!

Trained in Security

TheSchwas has been trained in dealing with a multitude of situations, ranging from simple small confrontations, to entire cyber attacks against websites or servers.

  • Manhattan, New York, NY, United States

Get in touch with TheSchwas to hire him for your server!